Practitioner New Account Modal

Metagenics LLC., dba Bariatric Advantage Credit Policy

Credit terms are available to qualified commercial accounts, subject to receipt and approval of a completed Metagenics application form. Our terms are Net 30 days from the date of invoice. Discounts or other deductions are not allowed without prior approval. Credit accounts who prefer to pay by statement rather than by invoice are asked to remit account balance in full by the 10th of the month following statement date. In the event a customer fails to pay their bill the customer agrees to pay all reasonable costs of collection, including attorney’s fees, associated with past due balances. Credit applications may be requested from your customer service representative.

Standard Credit Terms
  • Standard terms are COD, Money Order, Credit Card, or Net 30 (upon approval of a signed credit application). Metagenics LLC., dba Bariatric Advantage will also accept a Company Check for COD orders, provided favorable credit information is obtained
  • Payment is required at time of receipt for COD orders and at time of order for Credit Card orders
  • Pricing discrepancies must be addressed within 15 days from date of shipment
  • Any shipping discrepancy must be reported within 48 hours from date of receipt
  • Returned checks will be subject to a $25.00 service charge per check and must be replaced with a Money Order
  • Metagenics LLC. reserves the right to withdraw/re-evaluate credit terms and/or credit limits at any time
Personal Guarantee

or further consideration, the undersigned personally guarantees the full performance and compliance by the applicant of all terms and conditions of this credit agreement. In addition, the undersigned also personally guarantees to pay any indebtedness owed to Metagenics LLC. that may occur as a result of unpaid invoices.

Customer Agreement

WHEREAS, Metagenics values its customers and desires to avoid any and all misunderstandings between them and itself regarding the terms and obligations of orders by its customers; and WHEREAS, specific acknowledgement of agreement to these terms and obligations should eliminate potential future problems in this regard.

WHEREFORE, Metagenics and the undersigned (hereinafter the “Customer”) do hereby agree as follows:
(1) Full payment for each order placed by the Customer or its agents are due within 30 calendar days after the date of the invoice and balances due after said 30th day are PAST DUE. No interest shall accrue during the first 30 days (Net 30 days). A $25.00 fee will be charged for NSF checks.
(2) All past due balances shall incur and customer agrees to pay a finance charge of 1ó% per month on the unpaid balance or portion thereof from and after the invoice date until the unpaid balance is paid in full. This rate equals an 18% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE.
(3) Any discrepancies, shortages, claims, or incorrect shipments shall be reported to Metagenics IMMEDIATELY upon receipt, and in no event, later than 5 calendar days after said receipt. Metagenics shall be responsible for curing said discrepancies only if notified within said 5 calendar day period.
(4) Customer complaints: Errors, omissions, or mistakes made by Metagenics will be corrected by Metagenics. We will replace the order or give credit for what has been invoiced and returned to Metagenics. No credits will be made until the proper authorization has been given by Metagenics management. Credit will be given at that time for the unopened portion of the original order. Metagenics shall have no further liability for errors or omissions other than replacement value. In any case, the legal and/or financial liability for errors, omissions, or mistakes by Metagenics shall never exceed the invoice of the order involved.
(5) The person executing this agreement as the Customer represents and warrants that he or she is authorized and empowered to execute this agreement on behalf of or as agent of the Customer.
(6) If any legal action is instituted to enforce any provision of this agreement between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorney’s fees, costs and reasonable expenses incurred in such action.

I am legally and financially responsible for purchases made on this account. I agree to all of the terms set forth in the application, including the Metagenics LLC., dba Bariatric Advantage Credit Policy. If applying for credit terms, I authorize the release of credit information from all credit reporting agencies that Metagenics may contact.
